Monday 5 October 2015

The Start of Hair Design!

So today I had my first ever hair lesson at uni. Now I am a newcomer to all things hair, obviously I do my own hair but the most a do is a little top knot on the top of my head, so everything is new to me!

Today we learnt about buns and plaits and learnt three of each. Only the basics, but we learnt the proper ways to do these 6 looks. I was a bit apprehensive at first when getting my Kate head out of my kit bag, as I have never worked on anyone else before and I must say it is a completely different ball game working on someone else instead of yourself.

Personally I thought I took to it quite well, to my surprise! I also found it really easy to ask our tutor for any help needed as well, as I found the little things a bit trickier, like keeping the french plait tight to the head and how to secure the pins really tight in the hair so they wouldn't slip. But I kept practicing and I got there in the end!

We are learning these techniques as obviously they are just fundamental hair basics, but also the base to a lot of Elizabethan looks which is the theme of our first brief.

Now I don't know too much about Elizabethans or the Tudors, obviously a few things from what I learnt at school about Henry 8th and his 6 wives, and the basics, but nothing too in depth.

I know that people took a lot of pride in how they looked back then, the bigger the skirt, the more embellished the clothing and jewellery was, the more detailing added to the garments; made you look a lot more wealthier and you were respected and thought a lot higher of.

The same goes for the hair, big hair meant a lot. The hair I think was normally kept up back then and it almost looked very back combed and rolled over; into big bun like shapes on the head. The bigger the hair, once again the more money you had! Obviously back then there was no such thing as hair dye or even hair dressers as such, women mainly had long hair, all of natural colour. No straighteners or rollers/curlers. Like I said before, hair was normally kept up in different bun like designs, every when sleeping they would tie their hair, maybe plait it to keep it out of the way.

So I think I know the basics, but hopefully when we go more in depth in our studies and I get more research under my belt, I will know a lot more than when I started. But thats what this is for hey!

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